Bill Murray Photos
"Sicily, Italy and the Glorious Dalmatian Coast"
AIA Cruise May 30 - June 8, 2008

Left click on the photo to see a LARGE (full-sized) image.  You can save this image to your desktop (or USB drive) by right clicking on the large image and then by left clicking on "Save Picture As."  At this point you can navigate to the place where you want to save the file.  Beware ... the full-sized images are quite large and you should not click on the image if you use a dial up connection.  On one or two occasions, I include a doublet because I did a couple of different exposures and was unsure how they would look on the web site.  I include captions on a few pictures whose inclusion you might wonder about. 

If you would like me to burn any of these images onto a CD for you, just send me an email that includes your mailing address and I will be happy to do so.  Let me take this opportunity to thank you all for traveling with us.  You were a wonderful traveling companions!  











                    Famous tour guide quote outside what appeared to be the Party HQ at Rossano: "There are no Communists any more in Rossano."


Everyone's favorite site: Sybaris                                    The site model of Sybaris                                                    Cathedral (Santa Maria Annunziata) at Otranto



Cathedral (Santa Maria Annunziata) at Otranto                Cathedral (Santa Maria Annunziata) at Otranto            Martyrs' Chapel, Santa Maria Annunziata (Otranto)


                            Crypt of the Cathedral (Santa Maria Annunziata)




                            A light lunch