Battle of Actium Shoot
Picture Descriptions
Rev. 8-11-02



7/21/02 (Sunday)
    Sunset over Cape Actium
002    Sunset over Cape Actium

7/22/02 (Monday)

003    Bill showing details of socket #15 at Octavian's Actian Naval Trophy Monument

004    Use of the jib to smoothly transition from base to Bill in front of sockets


7/23/02 (Tuesday)

005    Kyani Akti, The crew takes a CG background shot of the Actian Straits

006    Nikopolis Museum.  Reuben using the jib.

007    Dimitris readies his mixer on Agios Nikolaos (the fishing boat that took us to the battle zone)

008    Reuben at the bow of Agios Nikoloas

009    Odeion at Nikpolis

010    View from Odeion up the Cardo (main N-S street) of Nikopolis to the Trophy Monument

011    Odeion at Nikpolis with city wall in the background

012    Dinner at Psatha ("Reed Mat"): Susan Smiley is on the phone with Reuben, who has just yelled "take a picture!"


7/24/02 (Wednesday)

013    Kalamitsi beach.  Looking toward Leukas

014    Another

015    Cherry picker at the monument

016    View of the Actian Trophy Monument from atop the cherry picker




7/24/02 (Wednesday)

017    View of the Actian Trophy Monument from atop the cherry picker

018    Cherry picker

019    Cherry picker. Chris and machine operator


7/25/02 (Thursday)

020    N side of Ambracian Gulf (looking E at the rising sun) from the Agios Thomas peninsula

021    Taking CG background shots from N side of Ambracian Gulf from Agios ThomasGeorgios peninsula

022    K. Zachos interview at the Trophy Monument

023    Sheep at the N cemetry, Nikopolis

024    N cemetery, Nikopolis.  View along the road toward the Trophy Monument

025    Collecting bales of hay, Nikopolis

026    Collecting bales of hay, Nikopolis.  View toward Trophy Monument


7/26/02 (Friday)

027    Chris moving equipment into the Ioannina Museum

028    Bill and K. Zachos discuss the ram fragment and the ram relief from the Trophy Monument

029    Another.  Bill shows on the relief a place which might correspond to the fragment

030    Bill and K. Zachos discuss the ram fragment from the Trophy Monument


7/27/02 (Saturday)

031a  Paracheloitis: the Acheloos River delta.   CG backgrounds were shot here

031    Another




7/27/02 (Saturday)

032    Chris shades the camera lens while shooting the CG background

033    Alexandra Lesk (Asst. Fixer)

034    Chris and Reuben

036    Paracheloitis: the Acheloos River delta.   CG backgrounds were shot here

037    Dimitris Skoulokaris (sound)

038    Bill looking through the camera while the CG background is being shot

040    Ferries at the Rion-Antirion Crossing.  Evoking the image of a "10"

041    Ferries at the Rion-Antirion Crossing

042    Patraic Gulf, sailboat and approaching storm

043    Alex gets releases

044    Another

045    Parthenon from my hotel balcony in Athens

046    Olympieion from my hotel balcony in Athens


7/28/02 (Sunday)  DAY OFF

047    Parthenon from my hotel balcony in Athens

048    Olympieion from my hotel balcony in Athens

049a  Erechtheion capital with city behind





7/28/02 (Sunday)  DAY OFF

049    Karyatid


7/29/02 (Monday)

050    Bill on rower's bench.  Olympias replica.

051    The camera stares down the bow of Olympias

052    Olympias.  At the outrigger

053    Olympias.  Rowers benches

054    Crew volunteers

055    Oar handlers

056    Fitting the oars through the oarports

057    Fitting the oars through the oarports

058    Oars in place along the starboard side

059    Port side volunteers at the oars

060    Starboard volunteers at the oars

062    Bow of Olympias

063    Another

064    Chris on the Cherry picker

065    Port side of Olympias under the cathead





7/29/02 (Monday)

066    Bow of Olympias from cherry picker

067    Olympias from cherry picker

068    Christos Yotis and Reuben

069    Reuben after the shoot is over (we are all exhausted)


7/30/02 (Tuesday)

070    Interview at American School of Classical Studies.  Chris showing Bill how to act

071    The view from the hot seat

072    Do you think they are posing?

073    Traveling to Israel with 22 cases of equipment (plus carry ons)

074    Arrival in Israel

075a  Reuben watched over the equipment (experiment with color adjustment--not very successful)

075    Reuben watched over the equipment (color as recorded)

076    Purchasing dinner in Tel Aviv


8/01/02 (Thursday)

077    Athlit ram

078    Timbers from inside the ram casing

079    Elisha Linder

080a  Athlit ram from "waterline" perspective (color adjusted)





8/01/02 (Thursday)

080    Athlit ram from "waterline" (color as recorded)

081    Asaf Oron interview

082    Xray procedure (note film inside the ram)

083    Bill's interview at the ram

085a  Camera and ram

085b  Camera and ram.  Even background

086    Chris films the ram

087a  Chris films the ram.  Even background

087    Chris films the ram

088    Film crew at the National Maritime Museum

089    National Maritime Museum


8/02/02 (Friday)

090    Chris with catapult balls from Dor




8/02/02 (Friday)

092    Catapult balls from Dor at Nach Sholim Museum

093    Israel (our sound man) harvests some sabras

094    Rafi, Israel, Chris, Leora, and Reuben at Dor


8/03/02 (Saturday)

095    Departing Israel with 22 cases of equipment

096    At the ticket counter in Ben Gurion Airport

097    Chris pointing toward his next frape upon our arrival in Athens

098    Collecting 22 baggage tags from the ticket lady in Athens


8/04/02 (Sunday)

099    Bill with son Alex at baggage claim in Tampa



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(Images out of sequence)


100    Cleopatra Marina on Cape Actium (7/21/02)

101    Cleopatra Marina on Cape Actium (7/21/02)

102    Octavian's fleet station at Monolithi beach (7/22/02)

103    Reuben, Chris and Dimitris on Ag. Niklaos (7/23/02)

104    Naval Trophy from Odeion (7/23/02)

105    Ram fragments at the Ioannina Museum (7/26/02)

106    Bow of Olympias (7/29/02)

107    Reuben and Christos in a more characteristic pose (7/30/02)

108    ASCSA interview (I have taken too many pictures) (7/30/02)

109    Avshi, Leora and Shlomo.  The faces say it all (8/01/02)

110    Shlomo Eisenberg and Elisha Linder (8/01/02)

111    Chris and Reuben "paint with light" (or so they tell me) (8/01/02)

112    Chris films the ram; original exposure (8/01/02)

112a  Chris films the ram; exposure adjusted (8/01/02)