You can now begin to prepare a report that focuses on reconstructing the chronological sequence for the features from Los Hornos and then relating this information to a reconstruction of the Hohokam who lived in this small segment of the site. As you begin to reconstruct the behavior of the people who built and lived in these pithouses, try to utilize as much of the information as you can. Try to look at data relative to house shape and size, for example, to see how these may have changed over time. Were some houses used in particular ways - special purposes for example? How many people would you expect have lived in houses such as these? Did these people seem to trade and interact with other peoples in southern Arizona? These are the types of questions archaeologists would attempt to answer as they reconstruct the archaeological record from this excavation.

Try to compare your dating results with the work of Jeff Dean who recently did an exhaustive evaluation of Hohokam chronology and has established the following chronometric sequence. Test your assessment against Dean's chronological reconstruction for Hohokam periods in your summary. Do the dates from Los Hornos support this reconstruction? (Keep in mind you may not have data to evaluate all of this sequence.)

Pioneer Period

Sweetwater Phase - A.D. 600 to 675 or 700

Snaketown Phase - A.D. 675 or 700 to 800


Colonial Period

Gila Butte Phase - A.D. 800 to 875 or 900

Santa Cruz Phase - A.D. 850 to 950


Sedentary Period

Sacaton Phase - A.D. 950 or 975 to 1150

Late Sacaton Phase - A.D. 1100 to 1200

Classic Period

Soho Phase - A.D. 1150 to 1300

Civano Phase - A.D. 1300 to 1450 or slightly later