University of South Florida
Onassis University Seminar Program 2012

Professor Kurt Raaflaub
(Rev. 11/18/12 12:20 PM)


Monday, Nov. 12 (Location: SOC 254): The Use and Purpose of History in the Graeco-Roman World. 

HANDOUT for Class.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Meier, "Historical Answers to Historical Questions: The Origins of History in Ancient Greece"; Selection of Ancient Sources.  For advanced students only: Boedeker, "Presenting the Past in Fifth-Century Athens."


Tuesday, Nov. 13 (Location: BEH 104): Inventing a New Genre: Herodotus, Thucydides, and the Challenge of Writing Large-scale Prose History.

HANDOUT for the Class.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Raaflaub, "Herodotus, Political Thought and the Meaning of History." 


Wednesday, Nov. 14 (Location: CWY 109): Ancient War as Spectacle.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Raaflaub, "The Quest for Peace in the Ancient World: Why Greece?"


Thursday, Nov. 15 (Location: CWY 109): Peace as the Highest Good and End? The Role of Peace in Roman Thought and Politics.


Friday, Nov. 16 (Location: CWY 109): Greek Explorers and Concepts of Utopia.

HANDOUT for class.


EXAMINATION: Answer two of the questions listed on the exam link making reference to as many of the lectures that were presented by Prof. Raaflaub as you can.  Limit your answers to two typed pages per question (you can, of course, write less).  Send your answers to me in Word 2003, 2007 or 2010 format, or as a PDF file formatted as follows: Times Roman 12 point font, double spaced, with one-inch margins. 

Deadline: Sunday 11/25/12 at 12 noon.


Course Web Address: